Introducing true unparalleled innovation..
The Two-Piece Bolt Carrier Group.
No matter how hard Q tried, they simply could not get the quality BCG they needed in their systems, so Q not so simply made their own. Most BCG's on the market today do not meet Mil-Spec standards one way or another; but ours not only exceeds the specifications, but the design and size of the Front end makes it easier to control the manufacturing of critical features.
Smart people stuff.
The Two Piece BCG is designed to be manufactured on modern equipment using modern materials.
Our BCG consists of 2 sections; The Front-End and The Ass-End
The front end is made up of Maraging Stainless Steel dressed in black with a Nitride Coating, and is SCAR-Cut to help prevent bolt bounce.
Standard with:
- Mil-Spec Gas Key and Staking
- Mil-Spec Bolt
- Mil-Spec Cam Pin
- Mil-Spec Firing Pin
The Ass-End is naked Stainless Steel, heat treated of course and yes, the overall length is Mil-Spec.
The Ass-End holds the firing pin, doing away with pesky firing pin retaining pins. No more broken pins. You're welcome.
The Carrier is retained with a single Pin allowing for easy field stripping.
There you have it, our answer to a 60 year old problem.
Actually Good.